Like the word, acequia (the one who carries or bears the water), the word almunyah (also almunia) is derived from the Arabic language. The term was used in the classical acequia communities of Andalusia, Spain to refer to a private agricultural experiment station and farming school. The Almunyah de las Dos Acequias is:
An agroecological research farm focused on acequia flood irrigated methods, conservation of local heirloom crops, and experiments in soil biodynamics applications derived from indigenous place-based knowledge.
A living laboratory for applied research on ecological restoration of the riparian zones cross-secting the 181-acre long-lot and for charting changes in soil quality and forage production from conversion of fields under center-pivot sprinkler to acequia flood-irrigated practices.
A partner with bioregion-wide acequia farmers and the Organic Seed Alliance to conserve the genomic integrity of native parent lines of corn, bean, and pumpkin/squash adapted to our extreme elevation and short growing season.
A keeper and guardian of a 35 year-old bioregional seed library focused on the Three Sisters.
A setting for agricultural heritage mentoring and farm school programs involving student interns and class visits from dozens of colleges, universities, and local schools, youth organizations, and water law and policy makers.
A host for field schools and seminars in acequia agroecology, biodynamics, and indigenous permaculture.
A co-developer of decolonial pedagogy in mindfulness training for at-risk youth through yoga and "farming meditation."

Students from the University of Washington Acequia Agroecology and Permaculture Field School work with local artisan, Mr. Cornelio Arellano of San Luis, CO, constructing an adobe oven that will be used by farmers to roast the local heirloom corn known as 'concho' to produce chicos del horno . Photo by Devon G. Peña, July 2014.